Friday, November 2, 2012

A Mom

 For those of you viewing on a mobile device, the YouTube clip can be found at:

I saw this Carter's commercial for the first time today...a Friday of all days.  As if Fridays aren't hard enough already.  The commercial had me in tears from the moment I saw the baby being rocked in the mother's arms.  And to make it harder, the mother was cradling the baby's beautifully formed head. What a miracle a baby is!

It appears the voice over is a little girl speaking, since the mother and daughter are shown throughout the clip.  It got me thinking what Grace would have said about her short little life.  Would she of talked about the love she left, how we reacted to her, and how hard it was for us to say goodbye?

And then the saying at the end, "When a child is born, so is a mom," hit me like a ton of bricks.  I am a mom...maybe not to someone here on earth, but to a little girl who I believe is worshiping the One who formed every inch of her precious body.  I may not be up for late night feedings, changing her diapers, or rocking her back to sleep, but my love for her runs so deep that it often brings me to tears and takes my breath away.

As I reflect back on the day she was born, look at her pictures, and rejoice in the greatest blessing we have been given, I'm thankful that at 12:18pm on a warm spring day, she gave the the title of "mom."  It's one of the titles I hold closest to my heart.


  1. I think of you every single Friday!

  2. Even though your little girl isn't here Mrs.Morris, you have treated me like your child since you become my teacher four years ago. You were the only one to sit and talk wit me after school, pick up the phone late at night to hear me crying, come to my games and cheer me on wen no one else would, and encourage me wen everyone tear me down. You are more of a mom to me then my own mom. If Grace were here, she'd be the most "blessed" little girl.

    PS: I didn't say Grace was lucky because you always say there's no such thing as luck. You say that everything comes from God and you have show me that.

    I love you Mrs. Morris. Thank you for being my "mom."


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