Monday, June 4, 2012

Meet Grace

I've been wanting to post pictures of Grace and our time we spent with her for sometime now.  Part of me still wants to protect her from what others may say about her birth defect, but I'm willing to defend her and such comments. She's beautiful and perfect in every.  I, I know our Heavenly Father would say the same.  I know you will too once you see her!

Our Pastor blessing Grace
Making sure her hat fit her perfectly


Meeting her aunties and uncles for the first time

She's just so precious!
She loves Grandpa!

Snuggling close to Grandma
What a beauty!

Safe in her daddy's arms

Jesus loves you Gracie!

Auntie Jamie took such good care of Grace!

Grace rested in our arms for two beautiful hours, but now rests in her Heavenly Father's arms for eternity!

A special thank you to Kelly, from Illustrations Photography and Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep for capturing these precious moments with Grace.  We will cherish these memories with her for a lifetime.  You, Kelly, are a blessing to us!


  1. I know you had Grace a while back, but I'm new to reading your blog. I hope and pray that no one would ever make a derogatory comment on her appearance. You said you are ready to defend her, but I hope you haven't had to do that. Anencephalic babies do look different (some more than others), but they're not scary and should they be hidden. Looking at these pictures is hard. What I see is pain and such sadness. The reality that your hopes and dreams for Grace will never happen and that you have to let her go. You are a very strong person to endure this kind of pain. I am very much a pro life and pro choice person when given this fatal diagnosis. I am pro "what works for you" when given this horrible diagnosis. I hope that you and your husband have a lifetime of happiness and that your hearts never feel this sort of pain again! I am touched by your Grace..... The baby Grace, and the grace you've demonstrated during this extremely tough time.

  2. RE: Anonymous 1/27/13 @ 4:07 pm- I meant they shouldn't be hidden. I should have proofread it before submitting this. Grace was beautiful!

    1. I may be biased, but I think she's beautiful too. ;) Thank you for your uplifting words and for taking the time to read my writing. It's been a difficult road to walk, but when you receive comments like this, it is evident that God is using Grace's life for such a great purpose. God bless!


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